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Kingsport Autism Support Group

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Vissarion Ignatov
Vissarion Ignatov

[] Premature Burial.1962.PL.48...

Like all of Roger Corman's movies based on the stories of Edgar Allen Poe, this one only has a superficial similarity to the Poe tale. In many cases, Corman took only the title from Poe and the story was completely new! In this movie, Ray Milland plays a bit of a flake. When the movie begins, the grave of his father is opened--to reveal that the man had not been dead but in some sort of catatonic stupor and had been buried alive. Naturally this would mess with Milland's mind (he shows many, many signs of post-traumatic stress disorder), but frankly he seems quite a few fries short of a Happy Meal, so to speak. To put it bluntly, he's rather obsessed with his own death--so obsessed that his new bride thinks he's crazy--and, based on his actions, this isn't too far-fetched! He spends so much of his time worrying about death and his own potential premature burial that he even designs the coolest burial vault in history. Watching him proudly show off its many, many innovations to allow for easy escape is pretty cool, but as for me, give me the old burning Viking long ship! As far as the plot goes, you eventually see that all is NOT as it seems. There are lots of interesting twists and in the end, there is a wild and crazy finale. I could say more, but don't want to spoil the suspense. However, I would say that the ending, though perhaps filled with too much exposition, was quite entertaining.Overall, a very good low-budget horror thriller. It has the usual excellent Corman direction and Milland is very good taking on a role that usually would have gone to Vincent Price. The only negative, and it's tiny, is the part played by Milland's on-screen wife--she does overact a bit here and there--but not so much the film is seriously impacted.By the way, this is one of two Milland/Corman films that have been packaged together on one DVD--the other being "X, the Man With X-ray Eyes". Both are very enjoyable and seem like a pretty good deal if you're in the market for horror/sci-fi stories.

[] Premature Burial.1962.PL.48...



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